Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Education Society Managed

Dehydration Technician


Course Name:: Dehydration Technician Affiliated from Skill Council for Food Processing

To provide training, certification and services to gain experience about preparing work area for hygiene and safety, and carry out drying/dehydration of various types of fruits and vegetables through the process of washing, sorting, peeling, cutting /slicing, blanching, sulphurizing, packaging and storing

Course Contents
•Introduction to the training program
•Organizational Standards & Norms
•Execution of Drying/ Dehydration Process
•Food Safety, Hygiene and Sanitation
•Field Visits

Fruits & Vegetables Drying/dehydration Technician QP No. ’FIC/Q0105, NSQF Level-4’

Training Outcomes
After completing this programme,participants will be able to
•Prepare and process various fruits and vegetables manually or in machine operated units for drying/dehydration
•Plan,organize,prioritize,inspect and calculate production requirements
•Maintain process parameters to achieve the desired quality and quantity
•Follow and maintain food safety and hygiene in the work environment

Laboratory Details
Hot air Oven, Muffle furnace, Tray Dryer, Magnetic stirrer, Heat Sealing Machine, Digital weighing machine, Fruit Slicing, Peeling machine, Hand Refractrometer, Peeler machine.

Minimum Educational Qualifications
Preferably class 8th (normal literacy of reading, writing and understanding) and 2-3 years experience in a fruits and vegetable processing unit

Course Duration
Theory Duration: 82:30 Hrs
Practical Duration: 157:30 Hrs

This course is free of cost, recurring and non recurring cost will be funded by Govt. of India.

Job opportunities
Food processing sectors
•Food flavouring industries
•Cold storages
•Fruits and vegetables Drying/Dehydration industries

Course Coordinator

Mr. Kimsukh D. Desai, Asst. Prof, Chemical Engineering Department

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