Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Education Society Managed

Civil Material Testing Laboratory


A wide range of civil engineering material testing and inspection offering more than 45 tests which are approved by Gujarat Engineering Research Institute (GERI) and National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL). Facilities are provided for the government approved contractor, private builders and research students.

Laboratory Description

From the beginning, the lab’s primary focus has been to study the strength and durability of construction and road- building materials. The laboratory is equipped with all modern equipment to cater the needs of consultancy work. All testing and machining services are performed according to industry specifications, customer requirements and our own stringent procedures. Testing is performed under various conditions including temperature, tension, compression, impact and load to determine the range of usefulness and durability that can be expected from the material

Major Equipment’s for Various materials

• Universal Testing Machine

• Compression Testing Machine

• Permeability Apparatus

• Direct Shear Apparatus

• Vicat apparatus

• Lechatlier apparatus

• Los angles Abrasion test machine

• Aggregate Impact testing machine

• Bitumen Ductility test setup

• Rebound hammer

• Slump cone

• Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester

Major Tests for Various Materials

• Non-destructive test.

• Compressive Strength for concrete, cement and aggregate.

• Flexural strength of concrete.

• Aggregate testing including checking of fineness modulus, density&flat and elongated particles.

• Sieve Analysis for coarse and fine particles.

• Standard Penetration Test.

• Permeability Test.

• Vane Shear Test.

• CBR Test.

• Tri-Axial Shear Test.

Course Coordinator

Dr. Bhavin G. Patel, Asst. Prof, Civil Engineering Department