Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Education Society Managed

Soil & Water Testing


Course Name::Soil & Water Testing Alboratory Affiliated from Skill Council for Agriculture/ AICTE/ Gov. OF India

The individual plays a critical role in soil & water testing & analysis and recommending fertilizer & nutrient doses accordingly.

Brief Job Description
The individual is responsible for conducting soil & water test and interpreting the soil analysis results in relation to the soil fertility management. S/he prepares the Soil & Water Health card illustrating the desired cropping pattern, soil amendments & integrated nutrient management, irrigation & water management to be undertaken.

Role Description
The Soil & Water Testing Lab Analyst is responsible for conducting soil & water testing and preparation of soil & water health card basis the analysis. The individual should be laborious and should have inclination to new learnings, perform multiple tasks simultaneously, keep accurate records and comply with the institute’s rules and conditions.

Training Outcomes
After completing this programme, participants will be able to
• Well equipped with sanitation & safety guidelines of the soil & water testing lab.
• Calibrate & maintain records of instruments for analysis of soil & water.
• Prepare standard solution for soil and water samples analysis.
• Identify different chemicals, reagents etc., their uses & safe handling practices, understand
basic terminologies, conversion factors etc., prepares solution for different tests.
• Adhere good lab practice & assistant lab anaylist.

Minimum Educational Qualifications
•12th Standard pass (with science / agriculture subjects).
•Minimum Entry Age:: 18 Years

Course Duration
Total 200 Hrs

This course is free of cost, recurring and non recurring cost will be funded by Gov. of India.

Course Coordinator

Mr. Piyush R. Nakum, Asst. Prof, Chemical Engineering Department

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